J-WING TRAVEL Vol.17 No.773 Jun. 04 2018
Japan’s Leading Tourism and Aviation Weekly
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Published every Monday by The WING Aviation Press (Koku Shimbun Sha).
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Phone: 81-3-3796-6646, Fax: 81-3-3796-6645
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Domestic (including tax): One year 26,743 Yen, Half year 15,429 Yen
This Week Headline
*JTB increases sales with M&A in the global business, but reduces incomes for FY2017
*H.I.S. achieves 20% more half-year sales and operating income with better travel business
*Brand USA supports travel companies of Japan to create new products in USA, CEO said
*ANA HD President welcomes a JAL’s LCC to vitalize the market
*VietJet launches Kansai-Hanoi services in November this year
*Jeju Air to launch six Kansai-Guam flights a week on July 21
*Kansai achieved record-high passengers for April
*AIR DO postpones retirement of its two middle-sized aircraft